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Annual plan 2023

Annual reports
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Annual Report 2010
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Annual report 2022

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Financial annual report 2018
Financial annual report 2019
Financial annual report 2021
Financial annual report 2022

SEMK Botswana Annual report 2022

On March 5, we decided not to donate any more money for aid projects in Botswana, but to investigate whether development aid is still needed for underdeveloped countries. We have found that with money the development of education (knowledge, skills, and especially independent thinking) has not progressed enormously since the independence of Bechuanaland from Botswnana in 1966. An important source for this conclusion was the various reports of the discussions by the British Government on giving independance or not and discussions on this subject at the United Nations during the years 1960- 1966.. We also looked at the independence procedure of Basutoland (now Lesotho) and Swaziland (now Eswatini) as a comparison, as they became independent at about the same time.

The disadvantage of donating money is that some people start to behave like beggars. Or that it encourages corruption by asking for money for a project, but putting it in their own pocket. A Botswana magazine published: “If you want easy access to money, ask an NGO (Non-Government Organisation) because they don't ask difficult questions.

Our conclusion: That it is time for governments which asked for independence to take responsibility for the well-being of all inhabitants of their country. Botswana has been independent for over 55 years now and should be at a higher level of development than it is. What went wrong?

For the year 2023, my plan was to provide assistance with three projects (or choose from these). Discussions were being held. A plane ticket was bought. Unfortunately, one project was canceled, the other two remained vague. In addition, it is unclear for the current winter whether (new variants of) Corona would emerge and strike. In addition, few people in Botswana have had more than two vaccinations, if any. So I canceled the trip.

The conflict between the Botswana San and the Botswana government has once again been intensified. Reason: The government's refusal to allow Pitseng Gaoberekwe, who died in December 2021, to be buried near his family in the CKGR. The government continues to refuse permission for any new lawsuit filed by the family. (see start page) It is becoming increasingly clear that the Botswana government is engaged in a stealth genocide (Like cutting a thin slice off a sausage, which goes unnoticed, repeating this until the sausage is gone.) of the indigenous peoples of southern Africa. What advantage does the Botswana government have in this? How is it possible that the government can continue doing this?

What have we done.

School fees plus a contribution for a new school uniform for 2023 paid for a student. The amount in BWP that was deposited into the school bank account was considerably less than I calculated using an exchange rate on the internet. My bank statement stated that the money had been credited to the school bank account on October 21, however, according to the school bank statement this happened on October 24. After having studied a detailed explanation about this from the Botswana bank director, I wonder whether the money was exchanged at a time when it was favorable for the bank, and unfavorable for the school. The whole system is too unclear for me to come to a correct conclusion about it.

Books sent to Pioneer Academy, clothes to Window of Hope Center and a friend.

Read research reports on various topics.

Read Botswanan newspapers and forwarded relevant articles to people interested in the article. Relevant articles from the newspapers have been used in the SEMK Botswana journal on the website.

The Botswana government is training teachers to teach children who are only familiar with one of the minority languages. Whether these children are also taught in Setswana and English, or only taught as a subject in the school curriculum, I do not know. It was not reported that 10 years ago there were already people helping children with translations at schools. It is a pity that there are people who can write the Naro language but are not allowed to teach in this language because they do not have a teaching diploma.

All in all, 2022 was an interesting and instructive year.
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