Nederlands English

Warning for the sending of parcels to Botswana
Sunday 4 April 2021
The delivery time for parcels is 7 - 25 working days. One parcel which we sent on 8 January should have been delivered on 12 February the latest, but had not arrived on 4 April. Another parcel was sent on 11 January and delivered on 11 March. A parcel which we sent in 2013 took 5 months to arrive. I have heard of a parcel which needed 8 months to be delivered.

Extra "customs and handlingcharges" in Botswana. These were for the delivered parcel (value € 300) Pula 1.824,15. As import duty is 21 %. this should have been about Pula 824. If import duty has to be paid on a present anyway. One can put a lower value on the parcel, but the insurance will pay less if the parcel is lost or damaged. Pay attention. The customs in Botswana do not understand the Dutch language. If it is a present, write in large letter: PRESENT/ GIFT on the form.
About this site Supporting the Bushmen so they can stay in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and live there as they wish and as long as they wish. The CKGR was created for them.
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