Annual reports
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SEMK Botswana Annual Plan 2022Like last year, this year little can be written in the Annual Plan on account of the Corona pandemic. A visit to Botswana will certainly not be possible in April and for August it is doubtful. The number of vaccinated people in Botswana is low. It is not clear to me whether this is due to lack of vaccines, the distribution of the vaccins or the unwillingness of citizens to be vaccinated. Also, the journey to Botswana is not without risks (Schiphol Airport, plane, busses, hotels, Botswanen in general). Added to this is the stressful hassle of testing and quarantine.We shall limit our financial support to paying school fees for a student at Pioneer Academy in Ghanzi, until 2024. The reason for this is that we have learned during the past 12 years that development aid should be aimed at making the aid recipients independent. When we started providing aid in 2009, we did it in the way I had learned about 1955. Raising money for a good cause. We found it impossible to check if the money we send during 2009- 2021 was used for the right purpose of a project, and/ or whether the aim of the project was reached. Besides that, we found that the harmful effect is that it has made people dependent on financial aid, and even worse, stimulated them to be beggars. In Botswana the advice is going round that if you need money, you should ask an aid organization, because they usually give it without asking many questions. When we advice people how to solve a problem themselves, they often do not respond. Our opinion is, if financial aid is needed, it should be asked from the Botswana government. Botswana is mining many raw materials. In 2021, two super large diamonds were found. Manganese mining, which was stopped in the last century because of the low selling price, can be resumed now that the selling price has gone up. Moreover, since the year 2000, Botswana has been ranked by World Bank as a middle- income country, as one of the five in Africa. More details of our conclusion to stop financial aid will be given in another document. When the Corona virus and its mutations are not a health danger any longer, we will plan a journey to Botswana to assist at the Window of Hope centre in Ghanzi. Toys and educational materials will be brought to teach the children how to use them. |
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