Auction of Botswana diamondFriday 24 September 2021 "The world's third largest rough diamond was presented this week in New
York. The still unnamed stone weighs 1175 carats. Two years ago, the
Sewelo diamond was found in the same Karove mine in Botswana: 1758
carats. But the Cullinan remains unsurpassed. At about 3106 carats, it
was mined in South Africa in 1906. The Cullinan was finally cleaved and
cut into nine separate stones. Some ended up in the British crown
jewels. The diamond now found will be auctioned soon. Then it is
determined in how much it can be split. Together with this find, from
the same mine, two slightly smaller rough diamonds of more than 1000
carats have been presented. More of these large stones are expected to
be found in the coming years. Since 2015, the Karowe mine has been using
X-ray equipment to locate huge diamonds in the soil." Source: Daily Newspaper Trouw, The Netherlands, September 24, 2021. With the large yield of this diamond, the Botswana government could make a substantial inventory in Botswana education and social work. |
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Supporting the Bushmen so they can stay in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and live there as they wish and as long as they wish. The CKGR was created for them.
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